Experience with products: cholesterol

Be inspired before you buy by testimonials and opinions of people who used this product before you.
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  • Menopause

    A woman attended the presentation, who used ALFALFA STAR and she was incredibely happy with the results and experience. She had problems with menopause, she lost hair and had high cholesterol. After three months of using 2x daily 2 capsules she started to feel much better and she stopped losing hair. Her cholesterol improved and she was clearly excited and happy. She had more confidence because she felt better.

    Tags: menopause, hair loss, , high cholesterol
    Products: 2701
  • Dyslipidemia

    A 56 year old client was found to have dyslipidemia. Not a single pointer was on norm with these values:
    Cholesterol 7,5 mml/l
    LDL cholesterol 3,85 mm1/1
    HDL cholesterol 0,80 mm1/1
    Triacylglyceroly 2,80 mm1/1

    This sickness has a close relationship with cardiovascular diseases coming with obesity with a very high death rate of 80%.

    I recommened the client to fix her lifestyle and started taking these products:
    CHOLESS STAR 1-0-1
    CLA 1000 STAR 1-0-1
    FLAX SEED STAR 1-0-1
    OMEGA 3 EPA 1-0-0
    CHITOSAN STAR in case of visiting a restaurant to not disbalance the diet

    SPIRULINE STAR, SLIM FIBER STAR, FIBER STAR or INULIN STAR depending on the needs and her daily gains of fiber didn't go under 30g.

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